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Section 2

1. What affects the extent of the centrifugal force on a bend?
  • The speed.
  • The air created during the movement of the vehicle.
2. While you are driving on a curve the minimum speed of your vehicle must be when?
  • Entering the curve.
  • Exiting from the curve.
3. On curves, if your car is overloaded:
  • Swerving danger is reduced.
  • Swerving danger is increased.
4. What should you do in sharp bends?
  • Reduce speed before the bend and speed up only when, after the bend, you follow a straight course.
  • Reduce speed only when you are at the top of the curve.
5. What can lead to very dangerous situations when negotiating a bend?
  • Lane change within the bend.
  • Steady speed within the bend.
6. What should a driver of a vehicle that follows a heavy vehicle which intends to turn right have in mind?
  • The heavy vehicle before turning will move to the left part of the road.
  • The heavy vehicle will take up a position on the right part of the road.
7. Every time the speed doubles, centrifugal force:
  • Quadruples.
  • Doubles.
  • Trebles.
8. You are moving fast with your passenger vehicle on a bend. What may happen if suddenly you brake hard?
  • The passenger vehicle may deviate from the road.
  • The passenger vehicle will remain safe on its course.
9. Changing a gear within a bend is:
  • A proper handling.
  • A wrong handling.
10. Which vehicle must wait for the pedestrians to pass?
  • Vehicle 1.
  • Vehicle 2.
  • Both vehicles.
11. Can you take the decision to overtake this lorry on the right?
  • No, because its right indicator is on.
  • Yes, because it is moving to the left.
12. As the lorry is entering the main lane from an acceleration lane, what can the driver of a passenger car that is moving in the right lane do, in order to contribute to traffic safety?
  • They can move at the same speed parallelly and close to the lorry.
  • They can change lane or slow down so as to facilitate the lorry to enter the main lane.
13. You can overtake near a pedestrian crossing:
  • If no pedestrian is crossing it and if the traffic lights permit it.
  • Only if you intend to overtake a motorcycle.
14. You have stopped at the traffic lights before a pedestrian crossing. The green light of the pedestrian crossing becomes red. What should you do?
  • Move off as soon as the traffic light becomes green.
  • Be prepared to move off after the traffic light becomes green and you have made sure that no pedestrians are still crossing the road.
15. Should you allow the pedestrians to cross the road?
  • No, because you can manoeuvre around them.
  • Yes, because it is compulsory according to the Highway Code and also because they are vulnerable.
16. What should you do in this case?
  • Stop before the pedestrian crossing allowing the pedestrian to pass.
  • Continue your course.
17. The traffic light of the picture is steady green and there are flashing amber lights in the form of an arrow. You intend to go straight. What should you do?
  • Stop at the crossroads because there is a STOP traffic sign.
  • Proceed carefully giving way to the pedestrians and vehicles that are still moving at the crossroads in accordance with the previous light.
18. What should you be careful about in this case?
  • There is a danger due to the frequent passage of children.
  • There is a danger due to the passage of pedestrians.
19. You are moving in the middle lane of the road. What should you be very careful about and what should you do in this case?
  • You should be careful of the pedestrians and continue without slowing down.
  • You should be careful of the passenger car that is moving from the left lane to the middle lane and, if necessary, slow down.
20. In the road you are moving you see a volunteer school crossing patrol being in this position. What should you do?
  • Sound the horn so that they move away from the road for you to pass.
  • Stop before the lines of the pedestrian crossing and wait until the students pass and the school crossing patrol gives a signal for you to pass.
21. Behind a lorry there is a convoy of passenger cars. Which passenger car should overtake first?
  • The last passenger car of the convoy.
  • The first passenger car of the convoy.
22. In which cases may a strong side wind become very dangerous?
  • When passing through a dense forest.
  • When passing through tunnels.
  • When overtaking trains.
23. Which behavioural mistake leads, when overtaking in an expressway without a traffic island, to serious accidents?
  • Underestimation of the speed of the leading vehicles and of those coming from the opposite direction.
  • Driving at a small distance from the leading vehicle.
24. When are you allowed to start overtaking?
  • When no danger is created for the following traffic.
  • When no danger is created for the oncoming and following traffic.
  • When no danger is created for the oncoming traffic.
25. Does this traffic sign indicate a set of bends of which the first is left?
  • YES
  • NO
26. Does this traffic sign stress successive bends for a distance of 200 m?
  • YES
  • NO
27. What should you do if you saw the traffic signs of this picture and why?
  • You must concentrate your attention slowing down if necessary, because the traffic signs warn of a dangerous curve on the left.
  • You must move to the left, because the traffic signs indicate that left turn is compulsory.
28. Why should you drive very carefully in this case?
  • Because the visibility is hindered by the bend and the road is wet.
  • Because after the right bend there may be a dangerous left bend.
29. What do the traffic signs of the picture warn of?
  • Ahead of you there are two dangerous converse or successive continuous bends, the first of which is left, and your speed must be restricted to 40 km/h.
  • Because you will come across a branch with an oblique left road, your speed must be restricted to 40 km/h.
30. The centrifugal force:
  • Pushes your vehicle to the inside of a bend.
  • Pushes your vehicle to the outside of a bend.
  • It may be sometimes noticeable on the right side of the vehicle.
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